
Supper is Simple.

Butternut squash is easy to prepare after you peel it. The pealing is hard, because the skin is so tough. We managed, and we steamed it in Isaac’s steamer. This is so good, and good for you. The meat of this squash is orange, but it is tender, and easy to eat.

We fixed breaded pork chops that Isaac marinated. They were tender, and wonderful. I’m sure we had other things to eat, but I majored in these two things. We were ready with the meal in an hour. It took 15 minutes to get the squash ready to cook. Smile.

I have flowers growing in big buckets now. I put soil in them, and planted my Geraniums there. This worked, and they like a bigger pot to live in. Isaac will plant his seeds tomorrow. He has some butternut squash seeds to plant. They may come in late, but we will have something to eat.


Mercy Me.

I went outside on the patio, and found that my flowers are still blooming after transplanting them. I like to buy Geraniums for the summer. I buy them in the Spring, and they last until the cold weather gets here. Last year I brought one of the plants inside. I knew I would have to be careful, but I kept it in a warm place, and the plant has survived the Winter, and is now outside blooming some more.

I draw flowers many times when I am painting. I also love to paint water scenes, and I like to focus close on the bubbly water. I was raised in several states because my parents were in the ministry. Dad left the church he pastored within four years. So by the time I was college age, he had moved us several times to different churches.

I believe in the mercy of the Lord. I believe He has compassion, and mercy on us. I also believe that praying for people will cause them to repent, and turn from their wicked ways. I believe we are in a spiritual, battle. The weapons we use in prayer are spiritually powerful to break down strongholds. The Word of God, and the prayers make a stronger defense against the devil.

I believe His mercy is on us when we find Him. I believe it is His mercy that is shown when we come to Christ. How did you find Him? I believe when people pray, God hears. Those who come to Christ have been prayed for by someone. My grandfather prayed for us to come to Christ. I am sure my parents prayed also. My sister came first, and then I responded. I believe God’s mercy was on me. Ephesians 2:8-9 are still my favorite verses.


Have You Noticed?

Some of the blogs written today have been long. They are really too, long, but I had plenty to say. I didn’t cut any words to say what was there. If it is too, long for you, then skip it until another day. I have plenty of shorter posts, but it is my prerogative to write as long as it is needed. I do read over the long ones. I try to erase anything that is redundant.

I believe in writing clearly, but the posts today have been directed to talk about wounds, and sore places in our spirit. We meet people who are not going to get along with us. Words hurt. What do you do? Well this is the spiritual side of things. I had to write clearly as I could, because hurts happen, and we have pity parties instead of asking God to deal with us.

If you are a Christian, then allow God to minister to you. If you aren’t a Christian, then I hope that you will give your life to Christ. Some of us have to work on the old-self because it tries to rise up, and sit on the throne of our heart. We need the Holy Spirit’s wisdom when dealing with the hurts. I hope the former articles today have given some help to someone. I work with forgiving, because that is what Jesus wants me to do. Forgive them like He did.


I Haven’t Pursued Other Means of Peace.


I used to be nervous, and I couldn’t speak well when called on to speak in class. I could reply to someone sitting by me, but at times shyness overcame me. Then I prayed about this. My father told me he had the same problem until he talked with God about it. Shyness was inherited from my father.

So I prayed about it. A quiet spirit is valuable to God. He can get a word in edgewise. I didn’t want to lose the relationship I had with Him because it was close. I did need help when I would speak to people.

God began to give me opportunities to share my faith, and as I worked on this, God changed me from shy to not shy. At times people have trouble keeping me quiet. Other times I remain quiet, because I want to think on my own.

I don’t believe it is harmful to be quiet, peaceful, and to read the Bible. I find much happiness in reading daily until I find something significant on its pages. I read daily, because I feel that God wants to talk to me all day. If I surrender to Him daily, then I have a chance to think about Him all day. It isn’t becoming religious. It is experiencing His Presence as I work around the house, and go places.

I pray before leaving the house, and often I have already read the Word for the day. At times I am led to get my Bible out two, times in the day. At times I might read more. I believe reading it changes me on the inside.

If we walk in His light, as He is light, we have fellowship with Him, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all out sins. Bible.



What Are You Eating For Breakfast?

I make fried eggs for the family every morning. For two days I have not eaten eggs, because I am off them for now. So what else is there to fix for breakfast? Well, I had Honey Nut Cheerios because Isaac found this at the store for me. He brought it home.

I can have oatmeal, but I must have almonds, and blueberries with it to make it more tasty. I grew up eating Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, and Cheerios and scrambled eggs if Dad fixed them. His eggs were wonderful, and they weren’t hard from cooking them too long. I believe good breakfasts are out there in the stores, and in the fast food places, but I eat mine at home. Today I had Green tea 3 times, and then I had a small bowl of Cheerios. I didn’t have to sweeten it. Honey Nut Cheerios is already sweet.


I Watched a Movie this Morning.

It is odd how movies will help you become a better person. I watched one such movie this morning. It was about an hour that I watched, but the story ended well. The hero was a guerrilla, and he was trained by someone. The story goes on. It is a good one.

I left the movie, and the chair to come write. I believe we must have resting times when we watch a good, movie. Resting may be times of reading the Word of God. It may be times with the family. At any rate, I find that the value of a schedule is to keep it when I want.. I can drop it any time. I did write a schedule, and often it is followed. I wrote what I do anyway.

The change is that now I am consistently going to sleep at a good time, and not real late every night. It is healthy, and the family is going along with me on this one. If I want to stay up late, I can…..but a consistent schedule is really good. I waken early because I have had enough sleep.


Today is Friday all Day.

I am resting today, and tomorrow. There is meaning in the word rest. To me part of resting is reading the Bible, and getting a word for the day. I have been trying to finish the Old Testament. My hobby is reading through the whole Bible. This is my 9th time, and as I progress, I find myself slowing down with the reading. I read until I have found some verses that are meaningful. At times I get off the reading page, and find a passage that I have read during the 9th round. This is how I found Proverbs 31 again.

I believe the passage about having the teaching  of kindness on my tongue is what struck me all day yesterday. May God continue to teach me about His ways, and may I have kindness on my tongue. I can’t have the kindness if I am bitter, and angry with someone. I have to forgive, whether I see that person again.

Spiritual goals are fine.  It may take a year, and a half to finish reading the Old Testament. I have the first 10 books of the Old Testament to finish. I have finished all the New Testament. My point is that I will continue to read the Word, no matter what. It soaks my soul, and I need to change with the rains of the Holy Spirit. I don’t plan to write long, but today is awesome.