

I am on a diet plan for three days. I chose what I could do without. Ed, and I have had an egg a day for 6 months. I have decided to stop eating an egg a day, with toast. So I am off eggs at breakfast, with one piece of toast. I chose Cheerios this morning. I had raisins with them. This was a simple breakfast with whole milk. My cereal vanished in minutes. I don’t have a good feeling about oatmeal. I prefer Cheerios.


Supper is Never Simple. My New Recipe for Broccoli is Included Here.

I fix supper at the church for the Wednesday night people who come for the Bible study, and a meal. There is a time period I use to make this meal. It takes about 4 hours, because we shop, and then I cook until I am finished. One other person brings one or two things. One other person brought cornbread, and it was heavenly.

So what did we have? I baked chicken again. It was chicken breasts, and they were marinated. I added a topping, and put them on oiled tinfoil so I could clean the pan easily by taking off the tin foil. It worked. We didn’t have as many people as usual, but we ate like we were suppose to finish the meal off. It was impossible. I ordered too, much chicken.

I fixed my version of broccoli casserole and there is an ingredient in this that made it taste Mexican. It worked. The broccoli casserole was a hit last week, and more ate it this week. We didn’t finish. Ed, and I brought home all the food that wasn’t consumed. We are still eating on it for supper.

Rubies’ Broccoli- a new slant with this casserole.

Enough broccoli for 12. Two bags, or two heads. You will cook the broccoli, and I had mainly the green heads in this bag that I purchased.

Cook the broccoli in a pan of water until tender.

Make a white sauce with flour, salt, pepper, butter, and 2 cups of milk. This takes minutes.

I found a jar of sauce that was appropriate. It was medium hot Mexican sauce. I added this to the cooled white sauce.  Add 2 beaten eggs, and stir. Then when this is thickened, and cooler add shredded cheese, and pour this over the broccoli.

Now the dish in the oven to bake at 350 for about an hour. Watch it. When it is done, the casserole will be bubbly hot. It will have a bright color to it. Take it out, and serve when you serve the rest of the meal. There is nothing in this recipe that is hard. It is a matter of making the white sauce, and adding it to the jar of medium sauce to soften it from being extra hot, to mildly hot. I would have gotten mild if I could have found it.

No one complained about this recipe. I figure it is the first time I have ever made this one. I had plenty to take home. Isaac loved it, and Ed ate it as well.


How About Cereal for Breakfast.

cropped-dancing_sunflowers_by_rsc3-d483avx-e1495288155397.jpgI may get hungry earlier, but I am off eggs, and toast. So the result is Cheerios without fruit. I can have raisins, but they are sweet in their natural way. It will be plain, breakfast for three, mornings. I may not eat Sunday morning. The day is busy, and I don’t want to walk around, full of food.

I will draw close to the Lord during this time. He helps me, and we have a good time in study. I am retired. This is part of the plan every day. When I miss, it is because of my stubbornness. The discipline of the Lord is to become consistent in what He wants us to do. Studying the Bible is consistent if you have a plan.

I have a sheet of paper that has all the books of the Bible on it. New Testament on one side..Old Testament on the other side. I can check the book, and the chapter off as I read it. I finished 1 Kings yesterday. I dive into the Word, when I go off something I have been eating. I have more time, not less.

It takes minutes to consume Cheerios.


I’m Off Fried Eggs.

Three, days is a long time off a habit, but I’m giving it a try. So I’m off fried eggs, and sweets. I have gotten out of control with the sweets. I’m off bread, also. I will maintain what I do usually, and then continue cleaning the house in places that it needs it most.

I am trying to lose what I have carelessly gained. I need control of my weight. I have had the joy of eating whatever I wanted. Now I have the joy of getting it off, through exercise. I am thankful for having the bench. I can get on it two times, and get all the exercise I want. Smile.



Have you Tried the Newer Ice Cream?

Ed and Isaac went to get another quart of ice cream. They like Birthday Cake which is wonderful. I don’t have any business eating much of this. I did get on the bench today. I call it that. You get on and pull the lever to you. I count how many times I do the exercise. I did 75 today.


Art and me.

I have drawn something since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I haven’t had much formal education in Art. My major was Elementary Education, and I taught school for at least 20 years. I believe it was more than that. and we had one art course. I  found myself using art to illustrate what we were learning.

Every morning when I study the Bible. Then I draw my roses. I have a rose-bush, and this summer I am drawing my roses. Some people draw animals, and make them clear like a portrait. My sister does this. She has always been smart, and talented in several areas…, and art for sure. She knits, sews, and croquet also. She writes poetry, and she writes pieces at times. I believe she is multi-talented.

I believe we are all made a little different in this area of talent. Some people have a hat full of talent, and others have a barrel full. I believe it is a waste for people to have talent, and not use it. I will try to illustrate most of the time on Rubies Corner’s blog. At times I am stumped, and Isaac will help me with a picture. He is most talented.

Have a wonderful time resting, and rise when you know you should.


My Schedule is working for Me.

I haven’t looked at my schedule in a while, but I know that I go to bed at 11:00 P. M. or before. I eat three meals, and I get up early to study, or I reserve 2 hours some time in the day. Then I spend two hours on the house. This is much, but it needs it. I can’t type much. I have things to get done. I have washes, and ironing, and drying to do. I press a little, to make things look nicer.

Well, supper is in the oven warming up. I missed those who couldn’t come. I think we have a boat load of things on us, church. We all are doing much right now, and I have been thinking of the things you are doing, and praying over about yourselves. I hope you get well, feel better, and stop aching.


I haven’t Drawn Yet.

I studied for a while at the den table today. The little table is stacked with Bibles, and books. I chose to spread out in the den where I first found time to study. No one was there to interrupt, and the time when by speedily. I enjoy a good, long, study in the Word. I am a teacher, and some day I will be teaching again. I don’t know how, when, or where, but I know I am studying for a reason. Right now it is for me. I love to study, and the Lord shows me things I need to know, and write down.

When you open the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit who lives in you, to explain the Word to you. It won’t be long and you will find that inspiration is coming as you sit before Him. The Holy Spirit always talks about Jesus Christ, and what he has done for us. So much.


Supper is in the Oven.

All the left overs from last night are in the oven including chicken, apples,( slaw won’t go in the oven,) and okra. Some were commenting last night that they had not eaten okra until I fixed it. I wasn’t aware of this. I thought everyone had okra at home. Anyway, now they like it.


Well, I got in the Yard Today.

I will slow down for the rest of the day. I got into the yard, and gathered the grass around the edge of my garden. I gathered it because it needed to go somewhere. It was cut, and it made the yard look sloppy around it. So I picked it up and put it where the ivy garden is, and it didn’t hurt, because no one bothers the ivy. It just grows. Eventually the grass will rot, and decompose, and add fertilizer.

That is my opinion. Smile. I believe I was out there for a reason, but the bugs are bad. I had to change clothes from all this and clean up. I feel refreshed, and I hope the bugs didn’t bite my legs. Every year they do, and I go through an itching time. It is early in the season, and this is the first that I have stayed out to work in the yard. It is so dry, and I watered the Geraniums, and the other plants. I believe in having a well worked soil around the flower garden.

Roses for Mom, Mother’s Day 2015