
We Have Been Through a Power Shortage.

It was lightning, and thundering, and suddenly the electricity went off in the house. Everything was off. A team of workers from the Power Board came out to check why the power went out. They worked for an hour. We now have lights, and air, and we could make our hamburgers over the stove. Wow! Thank you Electric Power Board workers.


When You Pray. 3

I believe religion is one thing, and a relationship with Jesus Christ is another thing. I believe when we give our life to Christ, we need to walk it, whether we say anything about Him or not. People watch how we react to them. They see that we get flustered with their anger. I believe we are not to be a rug for everyone to wipe their feet. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound,mind.

I believe if you will read the Bible daily, you will soon have a habit, because it is necessary to read daily. How much should you read? I keep a check off page with me, and I check the chapter off when I have read it. This way eventually I will read through the Bible.

I believe having organization in your study is a must. Get a small satchel to carry your Bible, and a notebook, with a pad of paper in it. This helps me when I sit to study. The pad is for writing down the verse for the day that stayed with me. God speaks, but planting the Word is a must for Christians. We go from negative, to positive when we read enough of the Word. Then bow your knees before Him. Do it in the bathroom with the door shut, or somewhere in the privacy of you and God. I believe this is the moment when you give your day to Him, and it should be a special time, between you and God in Jesus name.


When you Pray, Speak the Truth.

I take time to pray, because it is my way to communicate with God Almighty. Speak the truth when you pray. Tell Him your whole heart, because He sees it. He knows when you are oppressed. I believe we speak to the Lord, and tell Him what has gone on. Then we plead the blood of Jesus over us, and ask for protection from the onslaughts of the enemy. It works when two, agree in prayer like this.

When you are irritable with someone, go apologize. It will set things in order. Otherwise you ruined someone’s day for them. We don’t say apologies enough. I believe we should humble ourselves before the Lord, and confess our own sins. Let the Holy Spirit wash over you, and fill you up with His Presence.

I believe your knees belong to Jesus, first. Bow to Him, and see what happens. He will see you confessing His name, and He will confess your name before your Heavenly Father.  Open your heart, and spill out what the problem is, and how you need Him to help you. God comes close when we come to Him, humbly, and speak the Truth to Him.


Speak the Truth 2

When someone is rude to me, and they are an employee of a restaurant, I call back when I get home. I ask for the manager, and then I tell what happened. Give us a break. We are there to eat, converse, and rest. It is not peaceful when someone is mean, and self-centered.

I believe everyone has time to read the Word, for the day. Time doesn’t have to be long, but one, Psalm, or two, verses in the New Testament might just change your day from sad, to glad. I wonder if the person is a Christian when they act like they do.  Sad, but true.

Speak the truth. Speak up. “You are rude, and irritable today. Why is that?”


It Rained all Day Thursday.

I love the light rain, even if the sun isn’t out. I believe rain needs to come to add moisture. I believe it is good to have thunder storms. They bring the heavier rains which help tremendously. We need to keep our mouth shut, and our priorities higher. I believe we get in trouble for saying things, and for not saying them. I believe we should think before we speak.

I will be out in what ever weather we have tomorrow. I don’t want to be late again. I don’t plan to reschedule again. I will go along this time, but I won’t reschedule another time this week.


I Go to Get My Pacemaker Checked.

Because of things I can’t control, we were late for our appointment. The receptionist said we would have to reschedule. We felt like saying, “Let us come in 3 months. ”

I have to go to this same doctor tomorrow, and there will be some tension now about coming on time. If she pulls this again, I will call the place, and complain. Traffic made us late this last time, although we didn’t get in the car soon enough. It takes a good twenty minutes to get down town. I do believe I am antsy now, but I will have to hold my words. I don’t want to miss this session. It is important to have the pacemaker checked. It is still newer, and I don’t think there is a problem. I can’t do some things because of it.

Being in the direct sun is a no for me because of the pacemaker. I don’t swim either. I won’t be sunning this year. On the first, pacemaker, I did some things that tripped the pacer to lose a wire. I had to be put to sleep, and the doctor put in a new wire. Well, I was glad to finally trade the pace maker for a new one. I feel fine, but they check it every three months. This one will last another six years. If I had to recommend the pace maker I would. Don’t be afraid of having one. It regulates your heart to an even beat. You don’t feel weak, but you do respond to good food. We try to eat three, good, meals a day.