
Praying Matters.

Christians, it is important to spend time praying over your day, and over those who you work with. We have a busy day ahead, but you can manage an hour to read, and pray and your day will be much better than it would have been without praying.

Recently I didn’t have time to pray, and read like I usually do. I wanted to read so badly, that I went into the side room, and sat there reading my Bible before time for others to arrive. The need to read is for refreshing. It is for ministry to the Lord. Surrender is important enough that you may have to delay, if you work at home, in order to pray and have the peace of Christ on you. I rise early to pray, and read. It makes such a difference that when things go wrong, Isaac will ask me if I have read the Bible today. If I say no, then he encourages me to take the time. He waits, and he cooks because the refreshing he sees in me is what he wants to see all day.

Praying matters when you have an emergency, and you don’t know what the outcome we be. When you have set the discipline of praying and reading in your life, then when you have harder times come you know how to pray to God in an effective way. You have been exercising your faith every time you stopped to read. He talked to you, and you found His presence. Now in the hard times, you Hold His Hand. By faith.





Why Keep a Sense of Humor?

You can laugh, or you can cry. Some people do both in one, day. I believe Jesus has a sense of humor, and I believe the disciples laughed many times with him. I believe Jesus was here with purpose written on his heart. He didn’t have heaviness, because when he prayed God talked to Him. He went to the cross joyfully, because he looked ahead to what this would do for the children who gave their lives to Him. He became our Savior. He died to complete what had to be done. The day he rose from the dead, Jesus had the keys to life, and death.

At times the day can go so wrong that you have to laugh at all that has happened in one day. Keep your sense of humor, and your sense of the Lord’s Presence.

We read John 3:16 in a new, light. Put your name in the whosoever whether you already know Him or not. God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to come die for us. His Son. Jesus wanted to come die so that we would have life. He rose from the grave, and he sits on the throne praying for you, and me.

When you know Christ, you worship Him. Then as you walk through your day, be mindful of Him. Keep a sense of  humor, because there will be things that will want to take your joy.

We often pray on our trip to Mid-west. There have been times when boxes have fallen off an open truck and landed in the road a few feet from our moving car. We can pray immediately for safety.

In the jeep as we went up a creek in Kentucky, my parents led us girls in choruses, and songs about Jesus. They taught us to laugh at the storm, because we belong to Jesus. Some storms you rebuke in Jesus name. Other storms we laugh at, because of our training. Frankly, I always looked at the water when we were fording the creek. We were on our way to a church and dad decided to take the family with him. We girls were little, but I do remember singing, “When Christ is in the vessel we can laugh at the storm…” I still do.


Things that Make Heaven Rejoice.

I must say that I think about this every time someone comes to Christ and gives their heart to Him. Heaven rejoices. I believe we come to Christ because someone interceded on our behalf. Really. My grandpa was a praying kind of person, and he never said that he prayed much. I have seen him praying, and I know he knew the Lord before he married my grandmother. She died, and my grandfather married another Christian lady. All the children from my first grandmother are in heaven, or they know Him. Two children are left, and I know they know the Lord.

My parents presented Christ daily, and we read devotions every day before we could read, and after we learned. Mom would help us with the words, and we would ask what some of the words meant. I believe reading the Bible daily brought us closer to coming to Christ, but we each found Him in our time. My sister found Him, and I followed a little while later. I am sure heaven rejoiced. My mother and father were sure happy. My little sister came to Christ in her teens. I wasn’t there when this happened.

I believe heaven rejoices every time someone comes to Christ, so it is a happy place. It has to be, because people find Christ all over the world. There is no night in heaven, no darkness, no death, no lying, and no electricity. God’s light is always shining there. I believe people are entering Heaven for the first time all the time there. This is the Blessed Hope.

We trust in Christ as our personal Savior, and we live for Him all our days. We go to heaven when we die. Trust in the Lord from head to toe. Surrender to Him, and give your life to Him. I confirmed my trust in the Lord when I was 12. I surrendered fully at this time. My first surrender was at 8, but I confirmed this because by 12 I knew I would live for Him all my days. This is by grace that we take a stand for Him. Ephesians 2:8-9 are wonderful verses to confirm what you have done.


Keep a Sense of Humor.

I am getting older, and I find myself laughing more, not less. Life is what you make it, and you can get up on the right side of the bed every day. I sleep on the left, but Ed sleeps by the window. I wake early, and it might get him up. There is a point every morning where I find my table, and study.

I believe we must keep a sense of humor when reach the later years of our lives. When I drop something on the floor, at times I ask Isaac to pick the paper up. He does. My joints and bones are not as agile as they were when I was young.

I do get on the bench that I bought for Ed, and Isaac. They don’t use it, so I do. It may take me to 30 one day or to 50 counts the next day, but I don’t push myself with this machine. I know that it is heavy, and that if I use it, the machine will do wonders in making my body more firm. I get on the bench because I want my flab to slowly go away.

Isaac does have this bowling disk. We bowl together, against each other. It works to make us laugh. The bowling is one of my favorite ways to exercise. I still watch my left arm. I don’t want the pacemaker to have any problems.


The Menu for Supper at the Church.

I give out the menu to you because I believe more come when they know what is being baked, fried, or brought in. Tonight we are having chicken pot pie. It is home-made goodness. We eat at 6:33 P. M. I allow some time for talking, before we pray, and eat. I haven’t planned dessert.


Psalm 100 is a Favorite.

This is a psalm that has much to do with worship and our attitude toward coming into His Presence. We learn to make a joyful noise. When reality sets in, you learn to sing to the Lord, and this is a joyful noise. I love to hear a choir that sings with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They get with the program, in that they sing with joy, happiness, and much volume, and then they decrease to the quiet time.

In His Presence is joy, but when you come to the quiet, there is a hush that fills your soul. It is time to stop, listen, and worship the Lord. At this point you can kneel, or sit in silence. God wants to talk. Your Bible should be open and handy. The Lord talks when you are willing to shut your mouth and sit in the silence. You have been joyful. Now rest in His love, and be still for a little while. In the stillness you find Him also. Often at this point I open my Bible and the words that I read are fitted for me that day. I have sung to Him, and He talks through the Word of God, or he may say something to me.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs says this. I believe it is not being afraid to approach him. Remember how the people wanted Moses to go up on the mountain to speak with God, because he wasn’t afraid to talk with him.

We have access to the throne now, because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. He died for all of us. His blood covers us, and God sees us as His children when we receive what Jesus did for us on the cross. He rose again, and sits in Heaven making intercession for us all.

We come boldly, with adoration, and sing to Him. We worship Him. Then we make our requests. Worship should be in our hearts daily. It is not a religious experience. It is committing our lives to God in Jesus name. Head to toe surrender to Jesus Christ, and being full of the Holy Spirit helps us walk in much victory.


What Will Make Us Laugh?

I love to watch shows that are really funny. What will make us laugh? Someone acting silly usually makes us laugh. Remember Red Skeleton? He was on the late show, and others shows. His clown antics were hilarious. We would laugh until we cried.

At times my sister and I will get together on the phone, or to visit for a few days. She can have me laughing in minutes. Then she will say, “Do you feel better?”

Laughter is like medicine to the soul. I believe God loves to see us laughing, and joyful. At Christmas times we sing “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” and this is a hymn. I believe the masters in hymn writing thought of the Lord, and His majesty.

The Bible says that His Presence holds joy. When we are in fellowship with Him, we come out with joy. When we sing to Him, the joy should come forth.

I believe the joy of the Lord is hard to stop. I believe heaven is full of much joy. I believe it was silent when Jesus came to die on the cross. He left. The angels came to join in adoration. I believe when you know the Lord, that having pure joy is possible.

After sinners repent, and come to Christ there is joy in Heaven over them coming to Christ. Heaven should be continuously joyful, because people come to Christ every day.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. We have no room self to have the seat in our heart. We must allow the Holy Spirit to fill us from head to toe. The result will be like 1 Corinthians says. We will be full of His Presence, and want to talk about him, and share what God has done for us today.

I looked for something for a long time. When I prayed, I found it within minutes. I thanked the Lord for helping me find what I had lost. I have lost keys many times. I pray about it, and walk around looking. Soon I find them.

Remember, nothing is impossible with God.

All things are possible to those who believe.

I believe our believing has to take a new step in faith. I believe if we prayed more, God might change us into those who see results.