
Ed’s Shirts are Drying.

I washed Ed’s jeans by mistake, and they are dried. Now I am washing his shirts. He babies them, but I decided to do part of the laundry on his everyday shirts. He takes some things to the cleaners. I wouldn’t put white in the wash. It might get a mark on it.  If I wash clothes today, I can rest tomorrow.



How do we get There? We may Have to Fly! #7 Golfing Series by Ruby J. Craft.



Pursuit : What Matters in Life?

What really matters in life? I believe life is a gift, and that pursuing the right disciplines is how to find fulfillment in life. Life is huge, so let’s talk about daily life. What is important in our daily life.

Food, clothing, and shelter, respect from others, and yourself are necessary. We have to eat to live, but how much is often too, much. I believe pursuing happiness is wonderful, if you have patience. Everyone on the earth is not happy. You have to pursuit your life with the intension of doing what you know you are supposed to accomplish in this life.

Some won’t forgive, and neither will they respect you. Respect is earned.  When you sit down, or stay in the room, and deal with yourself , you may come back several days to finish forgiving those who have angered, or hurt you.

I sat down to forgive. When I finally finished, I  saw an object like a Hindenburg float away from me. All those forgiven names were on it. I forgave them, and I saw all of it leave. God allowed me to remember their names so that when I finished, those were forgiven.

I am a preacher’s wife. I have learned to forgive, and forgive, and to speak when I need to speak. I pray about many things, but forgiveness is worked out like Salvation is. Work it out with fear towards God. You forgive, because it is Christ who helps you love people.

Life is harsh.  It turns into a blessing. Without Christ, life is empty, even though you may have all you ever wanted, or needed.

I believe we reap abundantly what we sow.  Christ loved to the end when He died, and then when He rose again, He found two, disciples talking on the way to their destination. They didn’t recognize Him until He was no, longer with them. He walked with them, and talked to them . After He left, they recalled how their hearts were stirred as He talked to them.

I believe things hinder us from hearing what God has to say to us. I often bind self, Satan, and sin. I loose the Presence of the Holy Spirit. This works for me in trying to communicate to those who won’t listen. Hardness of heart develops out of our bitterness. I haven’t finished forgiving. It will go on for the rest of my life.


Making It Right.


I believe God has a plan for me since I have been retired. The plan is to keep writing, and meeting new, people on the internet. I believe this blog has grown due to hard work, and praying that God would bless it. If I pray, I know work is the formula.

I say,”Finish the job of writing on your posts. If you have to make 12 in a series on one subject, then do this. I believe typing, thinking, and writing is what helps our minds to function with sound thinking for longer than usual. Ideas flow. You have to work with the successful blog. It took work to make it successful. Writing is work.”



Changes Happen.

Changes happen in a family. Children get older,and grow into teens, and adulthood. We know they aren’t going to be little forever. Parents have more influence than they know. Long after children have grown up, they remember the good times, and the bad ones. Parents who are steadfast in their ways, raise children who learn to become good citizens, and they raise them to think about life, and what they will do to influence people. Frankly their influence is there long after parents have died.

My parents were older when they married, so they started a family within a few months of getting married. They had structure in their home from the time they were married. Both my parents were raised with the work ethic, and making the home their castle. My parents taught at a Boys school for several years when they were first married. My older sister and I were born during those years. Finally,Dad went to Seminary, and we moved.

Mom,and Dad showed us how to clean, and we cleaned the house on Saturday, while Mom was away working. We must have started working on Saturdays at an early age. We couldn’t watch cartoons until we had cleaned our assigned place, and our room. During the week, my mother and father read the Bible to us and with us as we learned to read at school. We prayed together before we left the house. Once for punishment we girls wrote until finally Mom said we could stop.

What we wrote was, ” Delayed obedience is disobedience, and disobedience is sin.”

Train a child, in the ways of the Lord, and they will never forget their training. It isn’t just going to church that influences children. I believe my strong,faith, and strong,relationship with the Lord started when Mom led me to Christ. Then she mentored me for the rest of my years. I gave my life early to the Lord. At age eleven I recommitted to Him.  When your best,friend knows how to pray, and help with questions, it is a life saver.


Today is Saturday.

Today is Saturday, and it is preparation day for Sunday. The Memorial Day weekend is here, and the news is already talking about what Memorial Day means to the United States. I respect people who honor the men, and women who served our country. There are many untold stories.

The town where our church is has flags up, and down its streets. They put them out for several occasions. They are beautifully lining the streets. Memorial Day is on the last weekend in May. It is a wonderful day of celebration, and relaxing with family, and friends, and remembering those who have given their lives for our country. Think of the willingness of men, and women to serve their country.