
Mother’s Day was Wonderful.

Ed took us out for Mother’s Day. We went to a fine restaurant. It is in the area near our home. There were plenty of people in line, and I found a seat outside on a bench. The couple beside my bench talked with me, and then with Ed, and me. They were celebrating Mother’s Day.

We talked until they knew a few things about us. We were called inside, and we found our favorite foods. I usually spend more, but Isaac was hungry. I let him have steak, and Ed had his fish. I chose Parmesan chicken, and it was wonderful. I couldn’t eat all my meal. I saved room for desert. I couldn’t eat all of my dessert either. I chose carrot cake.

Isaac can make all of these dishes. He knows how to make excellent carrot cake, but Wednesday, he will fix a chocolate cake, if he feels fine. He has wisdom teeth that will be checked out today by a surgeon. I hope he doesn’t have to go in on Wednesday. Isaac comes faithfully, but his wisdom teeth are protruding through the gum. They will have to be cut out.

I had mine cut out when Isaac was a year old. So now Isaac is going through his pain. It is worth getting the teeth out. I wish I had straighter bottom row teeth. Mine is crooked. Maybe as I age I will have some teeth pulled. I will go through it asleep. It is the best way.


I Play Games Daily.

I am not always the winner, but I try to play games on the internet daily. I choose word games, which go pretty fast. I have to spell words on one puzzle type game. Fitting words with other words is harder than it looks. Educational games include checkers.  I try to play checkers daily, and the word games as well.

As we get older, our minds still want to work. Exercising them is how to keep in touch with reality. I read my Bible daily, and then I play two different games at least. I might play Checkers ten times. It goes fast because the computer is a strong rival.


Everyone Doesn’t Revere Our Street.

I keep my Bible in a carrying case, and with it I have a new, Journal. It cost some money to get this one. It will last for a while. The pages are line, and long. I filled 3-4 pages of notes today. I do this, because some of the notes are the verses that I find that are simply wonderful. I have been reading in Isaiah. My goal is to finish read this book. I will be on 60 the next time I sit down at my table.

I have this table at the window. It is small, with a lamp on it. I can spread open my Bible, and there is room for the journal. I write down my favorite verses. This is my time to read. Today I read from 7:30-10:00 A. M. The time went by fast. I brought my pocketbook into the room, and laid it on the big rocker. I have my pens in a pen pouch. They were used today. There are 256 pages in my journal. It will take longer to finish this time.

The rest of my journals are on my closet shelf in a row. I have room for several to be placed there. This way I have all of them together. Today Isaiah was wonderful. It is refreshing to read the Word first thing. My view from the table is the street below our yard, and people as they stop at the four-way stop. Some slide by, and don’t really stop.

Isaac went out to sweep up glass that people leave at the stop sign. He takes a risk to sweep it up. He was sure the glass wasn’t going to do good lying there. I agree, but I told him to be careful. It really isn’t his job to sweep the street. He does because he doesn’t want others to have a flat because of our road. I wish more people were alert to the glass that gets thrown out on the street. One person I saw throwing it out, and leaving. It is against the law, but there is no one there to watch, and arrest.


Mother’s Day Has Been Wonderful.

A nice card, a little money, and a wonderful time at a restaurant was my Mother’s Day celebration. I am saving for something, so I will add the money to my saving. I also received a nice card from a friend. She gave me a wall hanging that has words of encouragement. I believe today was wonderful.