
We Often Have Popcorn.

We eat a good lunch, and go home to supper that night. At times we won’t eat supper, because we ate lunch later in the day. About when we would eat, we fix a bowl of popcorn. At times I call it Poppy Corn, and my family cooperates in making it. We are all on a low-fat diet, but pop corn is our snack. It is when we consume, and watch a movie.

We don’t add much butter, but it does make the pop corn flavorful, and good. Our dog will come asking for popcorn. We hand feed him, and he will take one bit of popcorn at a time. He can consume much. I usually let Ed feed him. I know he has teeth, and one slip could get my fingers. Also, I am too interested in consuming the popcorn. By the time we eat, I am hungry again!

After popcorn has been consumed, and we have put away the dirty dishes, I find time to slip away to the back bedroom, where I lie down, and sleep. Popcorn never gives me nightmares. It is good to eat as a snack, and healthy because it furnishes a little energy at the end of the day. We don’t buy the fancy popcorn. We get the bag of popcorn that needs to be popped. Our air popper makes it in minutes. There is nothing on the popcorn, unless we put it on there. I usually have salt, and a little bit of butter. Yum!


Daily Prompt: Record

via Daily Prompt: Record

In life there are many records that we can break. I wrote home from college, to ask my Mom to pray that I would be able to make the rounds in running around the gym. To get at “A” in this class, I had to pass with over 15 rounds around the gym. I wasn’t the runner type. I would get out of breath, and I had little, or no coaching in this running.

Mom was amused that I would ask her to pray that I could run around the gym for a good grade. She did pray, but I think this must have inspired her to send me a whole box of Bib of Honey Candies. I shared them with my roommates, and the rest of the girls who lived on the other side room.

It would be a record if I ran 12 times around the gym without stopping. I did. In fact I pushed to run 13 times around the gym. I might have made a C in the class, but I worked with the running all semester. I passed the class. I had to take it in order to get my Education degree. Maybe the angels came to help me get around the gym. Wouldn’t that be a nice painting!


I try to Read Daily. This is How I Get my Peace.

I headed for the Den around 5:00 A. M. and I put down the time when I started my morning reading. I read in Mark today, and I have already finished this book. I felt compelled to read chapters 15, and 16. Then I read two chapters in Acts. I plan to finish Acts, and then I will be through reading the New Testament for this round. I am working on round 9.

It is a hobby of mine to read through the entire Bible. I have finished one time this year, and I would like to finish a second time. I don’t rush through as I read. I sit, to soak in the Word, and let it speak to me. Today I read plenty, and I found comfort in the passages I found. I got some tea, and water before I sat down. Then I came into finish what I started. My knees are fine at 70 years. I got on them and prayed for a while. I believe it does me good to find the Lord in the den, at my chair that I have been sitting in.

As I prayed to the Lord, I had my head on the floor, and I laid down for a moment. At this point one of my cats came over and put its paw on my head.

I moved, and said to him, “Charlie, I’m alright.”

He stayed by me until I finished. At times when I study, one of the cats will get on the study table, and sit there watching me. Usually he will go outside if he does this. The other day he didn’t want to go outside. He laid on the table, and rested while I studied. Do you think I read on? Yes, I did, with such delight that my cat wanted to be near the Lord’s Presence also!

Ed has noticed how the cats love to be on the study table when I’m reading. The other day, Ed spread his Bible open on the table. I don’t remember if a cat laid up there on the table while he studied. It is a wonderful idea to study at the table. I can look out the window, at times. I have Bibles on a table near me for references. I have other helps near. Studying goes right along with my favorite verse which I memorized as a young student. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Isn’t he beautiful. He is very alert. This is Charlie.