
Our house is going through things still.

We have more treatment coming tomorrow, and we will be waiting for the bug spray to do its work. Last time we washed everything, and put it in the dryer. We took loads to the laundry mat. That will happen one more time.



We haven’t had any this year. The snow is beautiful when it is outlining the trees, and covers everything. I still have pictures of how it lands on the branches of the bare trees. I miss seeing snow, but I haven’t seriously prayed for it. I may. It would be nice to have a 4 inch snow. But then, we would have to have colder weather. I will view snow from the computer.


Some Days are for Sleeping.

When I was in college, Sunday afternoon was nap time. I slept until time to go to church. I was away at Bible college, and in those days we women had to wear hats to church. It was a requirement. Mom sent me hats to wear with my outfits. I didn’t think I looked good in a hat. My dorm mates often wanted to borrow a hat. I didn’t have many to share. I wore the same hat for several Sundays, until Mom sent me another one. Hats were the thing, because everyone wore a hat.


Today is Overcast.

There are many clouds in the sky, and the sun is hidden today. We have had light showers, and they may remain for another day. The sunĀ  may want to come out tomorrow. I don’t know how much it will. I like any kind of day. Some take time to get used to being there.

I will be fixing cake this week for Wednesday night. Our musician’s birthday is coming up, and we will sing to herĀ  on the day after. I will have a cake made to celebrate. We do this, because church folks are family.


Church was Wonderful!

I enjoyed all the time I was a church. We sang until we finished, and I love to sing. Today, the music was especially wonderful, and I sang along. God loves for us to sing to Him, and I picture the throne many times when I pray, or sing. I love Him.

Someone mentioned that we need to know that God loves us individually. We are His children when we have repented, and accepted Jesus as our own Savior. It is not by chance that we Know Him. God chose to reveal Christ to us. Revelation comes when other people are praying for you.

I was stubborn as a child. I knew several times that I needed Christ. It took some prayers on my Mother and Dad’s part to bring me to Christ. When I was twelve I totally yielded. It happens that way, and not by accident. God has a plan for everyone. We either choose what He has for us, or we walk our own way.

Like the hymn, we need to be saying, “Father, Have your own way …with me. Have your own way …with me. I will be still, and have your way with me. I open my heart to you, Father.. Forgive me of my stubbornness, and coldness to you, and to others. Forgive me for rebellion, and apathy. Father I accept now in Jesus name what Jesus did for me on the cross. I need a Savior. Thank you for dying for me, Lord Jesus. I give my heart to you. May the blood of Christ cover me, and let me live for you.” In Jesus name.