
21,300 Words on the Novel Right Now. This is Going Pretty Fast. I Might Get to 50,000 If I Could Type All Day!

I stopped writing to take a break. The novel is going smoothly. The lead characters fell in love, and got married all on the same day! So the novel is quickly going, and I am up to almost the half-way mark on the novel. Pray. I need more ideas.


I Need to Write Today.

I am still writing on my novel. I need to put more action in it today. I am on the blog,
“rubiedonovels” in order to write this. There I will have the whole book when I get it finished. You
can keep up with me there. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Have you started shopping? I haven’t. I do have the tree up. That was finished this morning while
all my family slept. I have Ed, and Isaac. They were fast asleep, but I am the early to bed, early to
rise type. I was up, and awake by 8:00 A. M. and I got up.

I have had breakfast….bacon, eggs, and grits. I made my own while Ed was on the phone. He is saying
hello to his sister. She lives out of town.

Merry Christmas everyone. I may as well be the first on Word Press to say it. May not. I bet everyone
else has been saying those two words way before today. This year is special for some reason. I know it


I Lost My Post Just Then. This Computer is Sensitive.

Ode to Rocky Cat Christmas

I am trying this. My tree is up. What a relief. I have tiny lights in the den, and my tree up in the living room. We have run the lights today. I love Christmas.