
You Are Thinking too Hard

This painting took much longer. I spent hours on it, yesterday, today, and the day before. It is abstract, but the title is "You are Thinking Too Hard."
This painting took much longer than I thought it would take. I spent hours on it, yesterday, today, and the day before. It is abstract, but the title is “You are Thinking Too Hard.”

Whoops! Trials in the Kitchen .

We always prepare a cake or cookies for after church. Someone else will bring a treat, and with the two treats, some people will stay and eat a little. This helps with getting us talking together.

Well, Isaac took the chocolate chiffon cake out of the oven. It is like the angel food cakes. It needs to be hung upside down for about an hour. When he hung the cake, it was alright at first. Then it started falling out of the pan from upside down position.

Isaac hollered in grief, and exasperation. He was totally put out with the cake, because several pieces of it fell from the pan before He could grab it. Most of the chocolate cake is fine. He lost some, but not a whole cake.

So we made a store bought box cake that will have much seven minute icing on it. We will serve both cakes after church. I am glad the baking is done. I have mopped the kitchen. Now Isaac is working on the on the bulletin for tomorrow. Wow! What a busy day. I will sleep well tonight.

Isaac came into my room, asking me to advise him about his cake. I was dead asleep the moment before. Baking and working behind Isaac in the kitchen is work. He leaves wadded paper towels around on the tables, and I pick them up. I feel that cleaning up as we go will lessen the headache of cleaning after we have cooked. He helped me clean up this time.

I did mop again. I have one of those mops that shows the dirt on the little pad you put in place. It works well to put the wet pad on the mop. I can actually see the amount of dirt I have cleaned up while I mopped. I change the pad and go to mopping around again if it is really dirty. Tonight I swept first, and then mopped. I found dirt, but I used about two pads to clean up this time. This is not what I usually do. I may use 3 pads to clean the kitchen at times. I like for the pad to be less dirty than it was when I looked the first time I used a pad. It gets less as I change the pads, and keep mopping.

Do you have one of these mops? I have the typical string mop also, but the pad mop works, and it doesn’t get so dirty that I have to bleach the strings. It has no strings. I have the thinner stringed mop for old-fashioned mopping. I wouldn’t give up this mop yet, but I love the pad mop. It has a button to release the cleaning fluid, and there is a place for the 5 dollar clearer. It lasts for a long time, and I mop thoroughly.

I love to see the dirt I have cleaned up. It makes me feel that the effort has been justified.

Tomorrow is Sunday. It will be a long day, unless Ed preaches a shorter sermon. He does preach for about 40-45 minutes when he has something to say. Ed doesn’t lack for words. He is a good student of the Word, and he can deliver an interesting message. At times he has us laughing. This is what I like about his preaching. He makes the audience comfortable, but then he teaches the Word, and proclaims the Gospel.

Isaac took the movies back tonight, in order to get out of the house after the cake incident. He was upset because of the way the chocolate cake fell, but it looks fine. It is a fragile cake. It is light as an angel food cake, only it is home-made, and easy to eat. Some of the members called it, ” Pillow Cake.”

Well I try to get some sleep on Saturday night. Sunday is a long, hard day for me. Choir, sermon, and eating out are the main activities, but I study some in the afternoon, until the group comes back for Sunday night service. Teaching the Word to the congregation is helpful. It causes all of us to grow in Christ. Life is short. It will be nice to pick up the cakes and go to church together. Ed usually goes as early as I do, and we ride together. Isaac is practicing for tomorrow now. He has to lead worship. He does a fine job. This is a young man with many hats. He teaches the children’s classes. They are not the little ones. His students are fifth grade and up.

I still am walking with a cane at times, and my head spins if I turn it a certain way. I am doing much better, and I suppose by November all this will be gone. I am thankful that I have a second pacemaker in place now. The first one died two years ago and they put in a new wire. That lasted about a year. I have my energy back, but at times I rest.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow. This is the weekend, and I am glad that I have Monday to rest…………more, or all day if I need to.