
Not Long

I won’t be on here long. Isaac will be needing his room. He goes to sleep earlier, and rises in the early hours of the morning. This way he can write without interruption. I see his point. It is just hard to go to sleep, if you aren’t sleepy yet. I am not a night owl, but I don’t know what you call it when you go to bed at 9:30 P. M. to get up by 5:00 A, M, or earlier to write.

What else can I say? This has been another wonderful, day. It has had no problems, and I have rested, walked a mile plus 8 rounds, and gone home. I have some memory problems today only because I am tired. I forgot that I walked a little more today. Walking really helps. I sleep well during the night.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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