
Special Times

These are special times when I can write to my audience. We had several who read what I had to say yesterday. It was nice to see that the posts stats were up. I write as long as I have to write. Some days we are not here all day. We go other places, and I don’t take my computer with me. I could. I have a mobile one. I like to go to the church with less in my hands, than more.

Well, I have ridden few horses in my days. We would get a ticket to ride, and I would leap up on the horse the best I could.

I am short, and now that I am older, I am shorter, than I was. Well, I would talk to the horse, and my feet would dig into his side when I didn’t know, and soon my, horse that I thought was too, old to run, was running with me across the field toward the wooded, area.

I am a, novice in horse back riding, but I did have the reins in my, hands, and I was holding on as the horse rode in the wind. I guess I stirred him to action.

I had a, firm, grip, and when he galloped, I didn’t let go, I just hung on. Talk about wind on my face, and hoping that we would make it, and the horse would slow down soon.

You know sometimes people give those inexperienced in riding an, older, horse that doesn’t move too, fast. This horse may have been older, but he lit out like he wanted to show me he could gallop. We finally slowed down.

I got down with help, because the owner came quickly to help me down. I might have been on the horse for 20 minutes, galloping, and letting him do what he liked. It woke him when I got on. I spoke to him, and that got him moving. Have I ridden since? No. This was the crowning time of my life.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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