

I have to resign now from writing because Isaac has to be up by early A. M. for the pets. He needs to sleep easy, and it is not too early to go on to bed. I type in his room when he is not in it. So I will retire also. I make Spaghetti tomorrow. I usually fix way to much when I cook. I will try to guess how much to have. We may run out if I don’t guess right. No….we are a smaller church, and we don’t charge. People put in money and that pays some on what is spent. Time goes fast when I have to cook. Spaghetti will be done on time. 6:30PM,



Today was wonderful. I rested some, and worked some at the church. We had time to eat a meal, come back, and do more of the same. The group gathered, and we had a nice group of people to talk with, and we had two kinds of cookies to nibble on. I am sure I should be off major sweets, but today was an exception.

I like, and will say that this church is growing on me. I like it, and I am not ashamed to say that I go there for fellowship, and for the Word.

It is Christ Fellowship Church in Ringgold, Ga. It is just over the Tennessee line into Georgia. I do think the people are strong, and sincerely trying to study the Bible, and grow together in what they know.

We have good, cooks, and everyone knows how to cook. We can make a, big, dinner with the trimmings, and the next week there will be another good, one.

We are strong in cooking, and fellowship. The sermons, and Bible studies around the table are what I really enjoy. Ed knows the Bible. He is fluent in his ability to tell what the passage means. I know personally, as his wife, that he studies until he is ready. He said once that he is always getting something more even at the last, moment.

We are on Three Notch Road, and our church is a rock, church set out on much, property around it. Come join us for Sunday. We meet at 10:30 A. M. and visitors are always welcome. Our musician leads the singing with his guitar. He can play about anything, but he loves hymns. It is awesome to sing them.



Wednesday night is my turn to make supper. For some reason I was already craving some Spaghetti, so I signed up to make this for supper. It won’t be hard. Isaac knows his spices, and it will be spiced, but not too, much. I make the meat sauce to go with the spaghetti, and it will be good. I have a, good, recipe.

This will be a simple, meal and I don’t plan to make more than we can eat. I do love this reheated the next two, days, if I happen to make too, much, and three, or four of us are eating together. Someone is bringing bread to go with this. It should be a, wonderful time, and I don’t cut the noodles short. They will be left the length they are.

I love this meal, and it won’t be a hardship to make. I enjoy making anything Italian. In fact, I love to cook. Our Bible study follows, and we sit to study, because we aren’t hungry any more. We are full, and know it. I pray over the meal as I make it. This works for me.



If I was forced to wear a, certain, outfit, I would choose blue jeans. They are back in style, and if you buy the right size they fit, and they don’t look too, tight, or too, big. In the 60’s blue jeans were a big thing. Everyone was wearing them, and I wore them with the flare on the feet, and the tighter ones in those days. Blue jeans last for a long time and some come with holes in them these days. Smile. I don’t wear those.

Bell Bottoms were popular. This was the type that flared. It has been many years, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see jeans back in style for a while.

Even with the heat, a good pair of jeans is good for riding a horse, or walking in the woods. I love my blue jeans. I have one pair, but others are on the shelf. They may or may not fit. These fit.


I’m Reading Again

I read some this morning, and I will continue to try to close out the Old Testament, and read the rest of the New Testament that is left to read. I lack more in the New Testament now. I have two books to finish in the Old Testament. It is interesting to me to find some of these passages that I love to read. I never tire of the Bible, because it is written with such wisdom. I need all the wisdom I can read.

I will close out this reading soon. I lack two in the Old Testament, and 7 in the New Testament. I will read the Gospels, and Acts. I read Romans yesterday. I have Revelation to read again also. There aren’t as many books left to read. Then I will start another time of reading through the Bible for this year. Last year I read, and read. It is fine to do this. I finished the amount that was my goal. I can make it seven times yearly, but it takes fortitude, and patience. I am not a slow reader, but if I find what I like to read, I might stay on that one until I know it more.

About “Angels, Angels, Angels!” This is what I pray when I am in trouble. I have learned to ask for them to come. They do, but I don’t see them. I know they encamp around those who are believers. Think…when you pray the angels are there ready to help the situation you are in and when you say Angels, Angels, Angels!

They go quickly. I believe this would be a, good, painting. I paint angels, when I am prodded. I pray when I paint, because I need wisdom. A picture will come to mind, and I paint at times what I see. God is good, and praying about the painting, and for wisdom is just what I need to do. I pray about everything.

I have a new wrinkle to pray about. I am on medication, for two weeks. My doctor will recheck. I am praying for healing from head to toe. Smile. God is Love. He knows all about what we are going through. No wonder the Angels get involved when we pray, “Angels! Angels! Angels!”


Get Rid of It

If you have something that bothers you daily, it may not be God’s voice. I used to be a, worry-wort, and I am not kidding. I could worry about everything coming, and going. Mom said, “Ruby, stop worrying. Pray, and then drop it. “

I asked more questions when I found Christ. I wanted to sing, and I went to the porch to sing, and sing. God gives you something that is yours as a, result of finding Christ. I had so much peace, and I told Mom.

She said, “That is good. I guess you have a, coat of peace. You need it.”

If you are walking around worrying over every little, thing, you need to pray about the things, and tell them to leave in Jesus name. Worrying left me, and I would pray with Mom.

“Two in agreement, put ten, thousand to flight.” (A verse in the Bible.)

This is when we pray together, or agree to pray. I think of angels when I read this verse.

I do believe our self is more trouble than the sins we have.

I believe when we bind self, Satan, and sin, and loose the Holy Spirit, we have done what is right, and we will have a continual, peace that God gives.

I am so glad my Mom showed me how to have peace, and joy.

When I really need help, I will pray, and often the words are, “Angels, Angels, Angels! Send your Angels, Lord.”


The Importance of Spirituality

Well this is a long title, but I am responding to the question. Yes, I read daily, and I write daily, and it is important to pray for those who need prayer, whether they admit this or not. We prayed over Isaac as he was gone with his writing group all weekend. He did well, and made several, friends.

I believe we know God because we find Him, and it isn’t easy to live for Him, but when we put Him first, things go better for us. I used to be worried over many things. Mom and I prayed together about all my worries. They left,

I don’t worry. I pray about what I am worrying over, and the burden leaves. My spirituality is my, relationship with God as I talk to Him about everything.

If I have a run in with someone, and we aren’t getting along, I pray about it. God gives me grace to walk through things that I haven’t walked through before. My sisters are in Heaven, and so are my, parents.

I am the only daughter of this family of five that is still living. I have cousins, and relatives left, but out of my, family, I am left. There were five of us. Dad, and Mom trained three, girls. Two were beautiful. I didn’t think I had a chance. I used to pinch my cheeks so I would have dimples like my younger sister.

I had many problems. Maybe someone dropped me on my head when I was little. I do know the doctor thought he had plenty of time, but Mom pushed me out quickly once he came.

I was always different while I was growing up. Mom would pray with me, because I was not like my, sisters. You could have thought I was adopted. Well, I wasn’t.

Mom, and I began praying together after I found Christ. She had me memorize passages of verses, and I had to do this if I wanted to go to a, certain, camp. It took years, but I memorized all those passages of Scripture, so I did attend a nice, camp.

Mom kept me working with her on things that I needed to do. She taught us to clean up the messes we make, and she had us cleaning our rooms weekly. I did, because I don’t like Brown House spiders. Mom was a definite influence in my life. So was my Dad. We would go fishing, and I prayed to catch fish like he did.

In Tennessee you can catch a, catfish, and have to throw it back. In another state out West you can catch fish that are part of the Mississippi River. Catfish are edible there, but not here where I live.



We kept the puppies while Isaac was gone for three days. We love his puppies. They are active, and a year. Two baby puppies is not a good idea, unless you have the energy, and patience to work with them. We don’t have the energy always, but some days we just walk in the yard with them. I always carry some of their food pellets with me. I give them a little treat, even if it is their food. Smile.

Puppies love you, or bark for more to eat. We love them, but they are Isaac’s puppies. They were part of his birthday gift. We made room for them, and it has been quite a time having something that actually loves to be in the same room with us.

Each puppy is different, but they are brothers. The owner gave Isaac, another puppy, who was named already. Bandit e would have been all alone.

Puppies together are cute, and they can work as a, team to find a way to dash down the road. We don’t live in town, but our road is often traveled. It isn’t safe for puppies to go free, and flying downing the street.

Ed took his truck, and got the puppies two, times now. They are smart, and they get bored. We take them outside to run, and play. At times they will each be holding the same thing in their mouth, and running across the yard. Our backyard is really getting some good use.


The Way I Read

I have a check off page, and I read the whole Bible when I read with this check off sheet. I can skip around, or read every chapter and book in consecutive order. I have done this, and I have started in Revelation and gone toward Matthew. I read Malachi and went towards Genesis. It was quite different reading backwards, but I read the chapters of each book in order.

I have read Revelation backwards. I was wanting to see more and I did. Also after reading the whole Bible multiple times, I need to read with inspiration, clarity, and without getting bored. It takes me a little more than two months to finish the Bible. I read reams, which means, I may read for two, or three hours at a time. I am retired, and I have other things to do, but this reading is what I can do, and I am learning more by slowly reading the whole Bible.

So what level is this? I am on level 41, and I plan to keep reading until I can’t read, or I am gone to Heaven, or raptured. Either one could happen. I receive wisdom, and it isn’t boring to read the Bible. It is written for us to read, and if you are human, you will be blessed to just read what it says. John 3: 16 is not the only place that it says God loves us.


My Son

My son is on his way home. He read from his new book to the audience. I don’t know how he did, but I know he is a strong writer, with determination. I do believe some parts of his book may be funny.

I have washed clothes in the washer now that it is fixed. It hasn’t had a bad day all day. I put in several loads, and I had to save up some of the clothes, and wash them by hand. I am glad this is over.

There are people today who have been going through hard times for much longer than our laundry problem. This lasted maybe three weeks, but I know of people who are going through something today, and it has been a long time that they have endured this problem. I believe we learn when we are going through something lengthy. I do believe God loves us, so much. He gets our attention when we are going through trials.

It would be nice to have fellowship, and meet people who are wanting to see us, and grow in Christ. It isn’t always the case. We are hardened by life, and by determination of some sort. Maybe we are too, disciplined to react nicely to those who seem to have it all together.

I knew how to wash clothes, and wring them out. I have done this before. I am so glad to have the washer working. I trust that Christ will help us to find others who need encouragement, for what they are going through.

It isn’t easy to have difficulty, and still read the Bible, but I found that it has a profound effect on me. Thank God for the Bible, and our relationship with Christ, which is by faith.

We should all be changing more, and more into a, person who knows Christ, and who has compassion for people. Hardness of heart comes when we just don’t care what we say to each other.

I would love to see more communication about this. God loves us, and we should show the love that God has given us.

Sometimes our problems are there because we were so stubborn. If we repent, we should be forgiven by people, but some keep thinking that we haven’t changed.

Believe me, if you have run away, and come back, this is a miraculous thing.

God loves you, even when you run away, because life didn’t treat you right. Hardness of heart is serious. We should be compassionate, steadfast, and nonwavering, but we should have the love of Christ on us for those who are just hard hearted.

May God talk to us about this individually.