
A Snack

What do you snack on? Is it full of calories? I try to stay away from the huge amount of calories. I do eat some sweets, but usually I try not to eat but what isn’t going to be worth much. Calories vary because of the type food we eat. Each doesn’t weigh the same.

I do love apple pie, but one piece is usually enough. I love cookies, but I find that I am having trouble eating just one. I haven’t had any today. Sometimes my son, and his dad will eat cookies. They eat what they want. Neither one gains. Must be nice not to gain weight when you eat sweets.


Apple Cobbler

Well, we brought home some of the apple cobbler from last night. Isaac came in with his handiwork. He served us a huge bit of cobbler, and this time it was sweet enough. We have nibbled on some of the remaining cobbler. I had some today, but this will have to be my last piece. I have cut back on the sweets. It is wonderful to have a cup of tea, or coffee, and a serving of pie.


A, Round, Garden

Let’s talk a few minutes about a garden. My round garden is round. It has one rose bush in it, and some tall yellow flowers. These bloom yearly in the Spring. They are the first sign of Spring.

My round garden is big enough to hold bulbs if I dig the soil, and plant them. There are some flowers that are so, pretty in the Spring. These come up without replanting, because they are bulb plants.

My garden is simple, and I have some green there to mow down, or cut with my, clippers. Somehow I can’t find the clippers, so I will have to look again today. We usually keep clippers on an outside table. I might use them more than any other tool.

I believe my garden is just big enough. The round circle is huge, but the garden doesn’t seem huge. I edge this garden with bricks and some stones.. They are huge.

Everything makes a garden like this. It is sheerly there for my, Green, Thumb. It isn’t a, cute, garden. I line it with bricks, and it just works this way. Things come up that I forgot I planted. Since the garden is smaller, I have fun seeing what else will grow there, and show it is there. My husband helped me make this garden. He bought the rose bush for me, and then added a, new, one when the other one was not functioning. It wouldn’t bloom.


A Quiet Day

This has been a quiet day so far, but I am hungry. We haven’t had Ed’s eggs yet, and I wait for him to make the eggs. He peppers, and puts other spice on the fried eggs. This is the best eggs I have ever had, because they are fried in real butter. Yes, but I can walk off the calories. There is plenty to do here that will make me walk off the calories. I haven’t put in a wash, and the basket is full. So today will have to be a wash day, when I have time.

I usually have two fried eggs every morning. He fries them in butter. They are wonderful. I don’t have bread, so he cooks them well done, but the yoke is edible. It is cooked. I haven’t been eating jelly, and toast for years. At times I break this, but not often.


Reading Again

I finished two books today. It is a slow process, but I am coming to another book this afternoon. I haven’t had breakfast. It is an important meal of the day.

We were tired from yesterday’s, activities, so we have taken it easy. I got up to read, and I finished the two, books. I have several left to read. This is a, hobby, and I will have this round done in a, few, weeks.

I would like to start June with a, fresh, start, but what I need to read is too, much. I will have to finish in June. I read through the Bible as many times as I can, and then I start again when the new year comes. I would like to finish several more times, but I won’t be rushing to finish.



It’s good to be Home. We have been out and about, and we had supper with several people tonight. Isaac made an apple cobbler. It was wonderful. We sat around talking. I did play one game of Checkers today with someone. He will beat me next time. We enjoyed the time, and I beat. Maybe next time he will beat me in Checkers. I play this game daily on the internet against the Computer. It works, and I win most of the time. This is so good for short term memory. Yes!