

Ed is mowing the back yard. He mowed the front yard yesterday. It takes time, but the grass keeps growing if it is not mowed. Then it is much harder to finish what you have started. The yard looks wonderful when it is freshly mowed. Ed is working to finish the back yard. The pets play outside, but right now they will have to wait to go outside.

Isaac has written one book, and he is writing another one. These are going to be for sale later in June. He has a conference to go to, and he plans to go to the one in town. I don’t think he is going to the one in Kentucky, but we will see. To be an author, you must write. He also illustrates for those who ask, and he is finishing that project.

I finished taking a nap today. I am fine now. I require more sleep, because I am up late, and I sleep, but it isn’t enough when I awake. So I am taking it easier. I am not sure if we will walk today. If so, I will be fine this time. I need to remember to take one pill, and wait six hours to take the next one. These are for blood pressure, and usually I have no problem.

I read today, and stood while I finished Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Old Testament. I love this book. It has much wisdom, and Joshua takes the lead at the end of Deuteronomy. This is a long word, but this book is a summing up of what Moses says, and Joshua takes over when Moses dies.

Moses! What an old, man, who walked with God, and led his people for so many years. Back then people lived longer. 120 years was long, but the leaders would live long since they were so active, and steady as a, rock.



We go walking again today. I don’t know when, because Ed, and some will have to fix something at the church. We will be walking today. I hope it goes better than last time. This is a new, day, and Ed has already been out, and about. We will walk, and come home to eat lunch.



We had Isaac’s meatloaf for supper tonight. Ed found some sauce to put on it, and this lessened his study time. I do believe the topping on the meatloaf makes it good, if it is done right. I used to make my own topping. It was easy to make, and at the time I had a good recipe to follow.

Well, we are home after quite a day. Ed took me to lunch, and we had water to drink, and soup with a sandwich. It was less to spend when we didn’t order the wonderful Chai Tea Late. I will say the bill was much less. We went along with what we had. I lack three pounds on my scale meeting my goal. I go see my doctor on the last day of May. I hope she is pleased with the results.

We go walking again tomorrow. It takes grit to go back, but that is what it will be. Our friends want us to go, and I will try to take only one pill, before we get there. Two at one time is not good. I had to leave last time because of this mix up. The pill I take is for the blood pressure. I take two of those, and then two other pills at bed time.

Well, the pets are usually tired by the time they come in from playing outside. We look forward to seeing them grow up. I do hope they are friends all their lives. They are brothers, and in June they turn one year old. It is harder raising two puppies, but these are wonderful times. We love our pets, and we don’t have to manage them all the time.

I will be fine walking tomorrow. It takes time to complete a mile. We did this two times last week. The time goes by when you are talking with someone. My friends are going again tomorrow. Ed and he will walk together, and my friend will walk with me. Tomorrow should be a good day without rain. If it rains, we still go walk, since we are inside.