
Perfect Peace

Perfect peace is from head to toe, inside and out, and all around. It comes as a, coat to wear. It stays when we choose to have peace, even though the vessel we are in is having struggles.

My folks would sing when things were going wrong. If the storm was severe, and we were in the Jeep, going up the creek, Dad, and Mom would burst out with a, song that we eventually sang also.

When Christ is in the vessel, we can laugh at the storm, sing a song to Jesus, and keep going with our song, as the peace of Christ settles on us from head to toe.

I used to think that the Peace was the Jitters. It isn’t. Peace is peace, and it comes to wear as a, coat. When even the cat is mad at us, and the birds are loudly, chirping, you can find God’s peace.

Yes, finding it is a matter of bending. So what do you bend? You give Him your heart, your head, and your knees, and feet. I believe our feet can be the problem, because we walk away from the peace of Christ.

Does this make sense to someone? God’s peace will be the weapon you use most. Don’t lose His peace. Confess your own state of mind, and tell God what it is that you don’t like about yourself.

Self is often proud, and it is bound to make you not see who you really are.

Start singing and let those words work with you.

I sing, Jesus love me more than most. I am sure He loves all of us . Humility comes when pride, arrogance, and anger, leaves. The weapons of our spiritual, warfare are mighty in God to fight with.

David had one, weapon that was easy for him to use. He tried another tactic, and it was too, big. He changed back to what he was used to fighting with. His sling shot.

Our weapons are humility, love, and the truth. Singing helps. Spend time with God daily, and tell Him the truth. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. If you have lost your joy, get it back.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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