

I know about the peace that passes all understanding. I have peace most of the time, because it is just there. I don’t have to carry on a, conversation, but I try to reach out to people.

My dog is barking, and I don’t know why. He must know something I don’t know. He is usually quiet, and he never barks. I just quickly checked. He wants out of his home, and we are busy writing.

Both dogs are the same age, and it is rare for them to bark. They are inside pets, and we take them outside to run, and play together. They will both hold a bone, and run together. They are quite a sight to watch.

They sleep better after being outside, and enjoying the times they have together. Their homes to sleep are right beside each other. They don’t stay in the same place at night. We do let them play for a long time outside.

Isaac stays outside with them, and he gets some writing done while they are outside. We give them good food, and we are careful to talk with them. Puppies this size we have never had. They are bigger, but they are learning something daily.



I love cookies rather than cake. I don’t know why. I believe a good, home made, cookie is just a treasure. I like to drink Green Tea for my, health.

When I have a, cookie, I often dunk the cookie in my Green Tea. This way it has some tea on it. I love Oatmeal raisin cookies, and Sugar cookies if they have icing, or they don’t.

I love simple, cookies that are made from scratch, or the thicker, ones. They all could be emersed in my tea. I don’t know why I like to dunk my cookies in the tea. I guess this has been there since I was a, child.

Mom always had cookies, and they weren’t homemade. She spent money to buy these for the family, especially for lunch. We would have sandwiches in the week for lunch, and she didn’t vary.

We could have soup if we wanted it then. Soup, and a sandwich are filling. I don’t eat bread now, but crackers are wonderful in soup. I do eat one ,or four.

Why talk about cookies? Because they are a, simple way to have a, dessert that most everyone loves. Serve cookies with ice cream, and you always have a, wonderful, response. I love cookies better than cake most of the time.

A cookie eaten in silence with my, dad as we rode together was wonderful. We didn’t have to talk, and the silence was filled with a, reply for another cookie. We could travel a mile without talking, but the cookie broke the silence at times.

Dad liked to just have silence, and I didn’t talk fluently, so we made a, good, pair to go together visiting, or just to the lake to go boating.

He had to have a break from his week. He often had me go with him, and I would think, “I will have to talk to him. I hope he will talk about something.”

He would. He was still dad, and very, strict, but there was no, fear of what to say, or how to act. We were just going for the day to the lake, and he was thinking about God, and the next, sermon. He might have been praying, because we couldn’t talk when we went fishing.

When I caught a, huge, fish, it was the wrong kind to catch. In the South, Cat fish eat off the bottom of the lake, and aren’t edible. In the West they are delicious.



When you only want a little something, think Cookies. We have found a brand of cookie that is wonderful. I don’t have much reason to love cookies. I might gain weight, and I have this goal to be less for my doctor instead to weigh more. I am working, but the cookies Ed found have really been a challenge. I can’t say no most of the time. I will have to tighten the belt, and wait until the Doctor’s time has come, and gone. It’s just a cookie, but wow, what a taste.


A Cure

When you are down, and you are so down you know it, there is a way to rise, and shine anyway. Stand up, touch your toes, and rise slowly. Now stretch your arms up to new, highest.

Put your arms by your side, and turn around with your feet, slowly, at first, and then spin if you can. Stop spinning, and stand.

Stand, and put your head down, and reach for your toes. Raise your head, and put your arms way up, and break the silence with a, song.

Sing that song like you mean it. It is the one thing that is on your mind. Don’t worry while you sing. Break the worries and sing from head to toe, with the voice that God gave you.

Sing, and the freedom to sing will come as you Sing to your maker, in the quiet of the room while no one is around. It is your secret, weapon.

Sing while you work at home on the laundry, or while you are cleaning. Soon your day will be shorter, because you chose to sing through the morning, and now it is time for lunch. Eat what you will, because the exercise of singing with all you are has worked from head to toe.

What do you sing? At times, even as grown, and old as I am, I sing the oldest song everyone knows. Jesus loves me is a wonderful song for all ages. Try it.


Perfect Peace

Perfect peace is from head to toe, inside and out, and all around. It comes as a, coat to wear. It stays when we choose to have peace, even though the vessel we are in is having struggles.

My folks would sing when things were going wrong. If the storm was severe, and we were in the Jeep, going up the creek, Dad, and Mom would burst out with a, song that we eventually sang also.

When Christ is in the vessel, we can laugh at the storm, sing a song to Jesus, and keep going with our song, as the peace of Christ settles on us from head to toe.

I used to think that the Peace was the Jitters. It isn’t. Peace is peace, and it comes to wear as a, coat. When even the cat is mad at us, and the birds are loudly, chirping, you can find God’s peace.

Yes, finding it is a matter of bending. So what do you bend? You give Him your heart, your head, and your knees, and feet. I believe our feet can be the problem, because we walk away from the peace of Christ.

Does this make sense to someone? God’s peace will be the weapon you use most. Don’t lose His peace. Confess your own state of mind, and tell God what it is that you don’t like about yourself.

Self is often proud, and it is bound to make you not see who you really are.

Start singing and let those words work with you.

I sing, Jesus love me more than most. I am sure He loves all of us . Humility comes when pride, arrogance, and anger, leaves. The weapons of our spiritual, warfare are mighty in God to fight with.

David had one, weapon that was easy for him to use. He tried another tactic, and it was too, big. He changed back to what he was used to fighting with. His sling shot.

Our weapons are humility, love, and the truth. Singing helps. Spend time with God daily, and tell Him the truth. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. If you have lost your joy, get it back.