
Mother’s Day

I will be remembering my mother, tomorrow. She was talented, wise, and special. Mom taught me many things. She didn’t teach me to cook. Mom was an, office manager type. She could organize anything. She was a, business person, and she knew what to do to lead a, group of people in a business situation. She had a, good, mind, and she loved to whistle when she was happy.

Mom’s middle name was work, and she taught us girls what it is to have a clean home, and a well made bed. We were making our beds before we were tall enough. I remember getting on my bed to try to make it, because I couldn’t reach the other side of the bed, and make it neat. I would climb up and get all the covers up.

Mom wasn’t tall, but she had much to say about life, and living. She loved to sing with Dad, and at times, before we sang much, the two of them would sing songs. We didn’t know the songs, but we learned them from hearing them sung. Dad loved to sing, but we could hear Mom singing. She taught me to sing Alto, and Tenor.

My sisters were taught also, and soon we were singing in a trio. Mom could play the piano, but she never told Dad. Maybe he knew, but didn’t say he did. I don’t know. They loved each other, and this was what we loved about Mom. She worked hard, and taught us many things that otherwise we wouldn’t have known. I was her name sake.

Mom, and I were close. We prayed together about everything.


Mother’s Day

I wish you a, good, day all day tomorrow. Those who are Mothers, this is your day. Spend it like you like. Remember your Mother. She worked hard to raise you, and you need to remember the good times. I do. I also remember giving her a hard time when we sisters wanted to do things our way. She waited for us to stop acting this way. We stopped on our own.

Mom became special to me. I could ask her anything, and she had an answer. We learned to pray together after she led me to Christ. She taught me more than I needed to know, but I used what she taught me when I began teaching children in the summers. Mother’s are special. I hope you know this. They have wisdom, and we need to listen while we have our Mothers with us. Mine has long gone to Glory.



I am thankful for my Mom who has long gone to Glory. She took me under her wing, and taught me more things than I had known before. Mom would give me a book to read, and I had to tell what was good about it when I had read it. She kept giving me things to do with my time, but she meant well. I would go to the library, and she expected me to look up things that were good to read. She and Dad did this. I would go to the library weekly, and what my interest was was what we picked out.

Mom quit taking me to the library, because she became ill. She had an operation, but Dad, and my grandmother worked together to make sure we girls were not going to be any trouble. Mom came home, recovered, and then went to work. We didn’t see her most of the day, and she was tired when she did come home. We took turns making the meals, and I had to learn to cook something that would help us eat well, and enjoy it.

I learned to make sandwiches, and it was the bread, and meat that were important. I fixed sandwiches for lunch. One day I decided to take a, small, job down town. I rode the bus, worked a, few, hours, and came back by bus.

Dad had to pick me up at the bus stop. I did this for a, good part of the summer. It was hard work, but I was making sandwiches for people to eat at work. The sandwiches were there if they wanted them. I learned to be neat, and to work quickly.

Life is short. We learn something everyday. I think God wants us to be neat, clean, and to help some one daily.

You can teach them to read if you know how to do this. I learned Phonics in another state, and when I came to the state I live in now, I found a, job teaching children to read.

These children didn’t know how to read, because they didn’t have the maturity yet. I taught them Phonics which was different, and had to be approved.

Several children learned to read this way, and by the end of the year several more were reading. I became a, classroom teacher eventually. I worked hard in my little job, and soon they were asking me to teach. I did. I taught children Spelling, and soon my class was beginning to get bored.

I taught them the words, and noticed that there were some who were making straight 100’s. I asked the principal to let me teach these children, and get them off their Spelling books. He agreed, and the children learned other words also. He made sure I was doing right by all the children I had.

Some kept to the regular plan, but those who were able were given a list of more words, and they finished the Spelling book early. I don’t believe in wasting a, good, mind.

Encyclopedias were used frequently to look up information in the afternoons. I loved teaching this way. We moved that Fall, and I left the brightest, children for someone else to work with. I think of these children who have grown up, and probably some went into Education.

When you have a chance, it is nice to work hard, and see the children enjoy learning, and take it as a, lifetime thing. We learn to read, and then all our lives we read new, things and continue learning. I delt with children who were very, shy, and others who were smart, but didn’t want to study.

Some didn’t want to do what the rest of the class was doing, so I worked with them solo. I found they were smart, and could spell all the words we had. They were bored. I taught this child, tested her, and she began to be a helper in my class.

Attitude counts. When you see a class of children, all of them want to learn, but some will have to learn another way, because smart, children are bored at times if they are not taught right. Now some children have time with creativity, with another teacher, and they come back to class.

A mind is a, terrible thing to waste. Reading something interesting helps, but reading what you need to read will help later on in life. Some eyes don’t mature to read until later. My son had to wait to read. Now he reads fluently, but his eyes had to mature. I had never heard of having to wait to learn to read. He caught up. Teachers know many things. Studying is a lifetime thing.



My mother decided to work with me, and she took me under her wing. She taught me about Jesus. I received Him, and then she taught me more about how to walk with Him, and be His child. I had to memorize all kinds of things for her. I Memorized Bible verses in order to go to a Christian Deluxe camp. You couldn’t go unless you had said these verses. I finally went, and it was a free week away from Mom and Dad. I don’t remember my sisters doing this. I was lost, but I found my way, and missed Mom terribly.

Well I came home, and she asked how I liked camp. I didn’t tell her everything, but I told her I missed my family immensely, and it made her feel good that I missed talking with her. I said, “I got home sick, and then I got sick. Then I got well, and started working with children younger than I was.”

She was quiet after awhile, and I went on to my room. I determined that I would not go away for a week for a long time. By the time May of the next year came, I was ready to go to camp and they were asking if I wanted to go.

I signed up as a counselor after a, few, years, and I attended this camp for 10 years all total. I believe it helped me to be away for a, week from my parents.

I learned many good things, and at times I would work with the children. People saw they loved me, and I became a counselor. This was a, nicer, camp, but everyone had mosquito bites. I was glad to get home when I would work in the summers.

School would start in another week, but Mom, and Dad were glad I had a, good, week with the children. I began to be gone all summer, working with children at camp. I could do this, and the children cooperated most of the time.

Years later I studied to be a, teacher, and taught school. I believe teaching was my gift, because children would come to me, and ask advice. They seemed to be confident around me. I taught school for many years, and at one time I was a Reading teacher. All I did was help children learn to read. I had training, and it worked.

I left teaching eventually. I retired early. I am glad I did this. Life is busy, and it is nice to have days when I rest, and relax. I have no one to talk with about children, and no, parents are looking for me to explain why their child loved my class so much. I just had a, way with the children, and imagination helped keep them quiet.

I still remember some of the little ones I taught. Some were so smart that I taught them early to read. One mother thanked me for this. Her child was awesome, and I taught her to read. It made such a difference.

Another little boy was very, sharp. I taught him to read. It made such a, difference, even though they could have waited until they entered school. It is not good for a child to waste away, and be bored when they could be reading all they want to read.

I did work with some children who hadn’t read yet, and I knew what to show them. They started reading. Wisdom is given to be used. It took much to keep teaching.