

Depression stays, and reacts at the oddest, times. A doctor in working with people, should be one you would contact to at least tell what is going on with you.

Some people will be angry with you forever. When you have been affected by the anger, you can cry about it, or you can pray for the person, rebuking anything not of God in Jesus name. Do it without them. They let you know who they really are on the inside. Anger like this, instead of encouragement is damaging.

Some one who works with depression all the time, may say, “Tell me everything that is bothering you, and then you can tell me loudly, or softly, but say it like you want this thing gone. When you shout it out, it should cause some relief.”

It may startle the doctor that you were so, loud, but he said, “Shout it out.”

Our feelings are important. It is harmful when a, person keeps all the depressing thoughts tucked way down in their soul, and they never say they are depressed.

Depression will go away when we get real with why it is there, and what causes it to be there. Crying, and shouting at home with no one there, isn’t a, good, answer. You need to be in the company of professionals who can talk with you honestly, and openly, and see success with what they have you do.

The problem is will you let this rag go, that you love to chew on, once you are so depressed. It comes at the right times, when no one is speaking to you, and you let it come, because you can drink it away, or sleep it away, or walk down the road, and go see someone else, and share how depressed you are.

You may be irritable, but there is something in your mind that needs to be addressed. At times it is a, demon, but usually I think it is old, self wanting its way. I believe we want the bright, side of life, and when all goes wrong, we become sad, and then depressed, because we blame ourselves, instead of the true, thing that needs to be blamed.

If you have dogs that are too, noisy, and they won’t obey, take them to obedience school. Try it for two, weeks, and see if the puppies will behave better. If this costs too, much, then make them mind before you give them a, treat. Once they see that you do give rewards, they might just be better.

I think when you reveal your depression, it comes in the form of loud, anger, or leaving the house and being gone. You don’t want to come home, because you have been thinking too, well about what made you happy years ago. Wake up. Life is going on, and you are getting older.

Look no more at your shoes, but face this thing with your eyes open. If you are depressed, talk with someone and have them give you advice instead of medication. You don’t need a Happy Pill. Find the real, reason for the depression.

If you really love someone, it is hard to know until you have been around the mountain several, times. Some people are just hard to love. When they really love you, it is the truth. There are more people getting divorced these days, and giving up on marriages that have been good until one of them did something else. I do believe Satan loves to destroy what has been honest, and good, at first.

So why this post? I am home on the writer, and the topic came to mind.

Love should grow. It takes two, to not get along with each other. Silence is not always golden, but no one is perfect. At times we don’t get enough food, or sleep, and we wake up irritable, and full of self. I believe if self is quiet, then God can speak, and you may need to bind self, Satan, and sin, and loose the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

I am talking to Christians. Many have had to start over because one of the two was not willing to stay in the marriage. They find another mate, and that one doesn’t work either. By the time you are on the third, marriage, you really are careful to keep it going.

God provides, and He is wise, and full of wisdom. I do believe He will help you if you ask for help. Give time to God for Bible study, and soon your mate may be reading with you, or you can read solo.

Don’t ever give up. Find a way to pray to God, and thank Him for all He has done for you. Find a way to read your Bible all you want, and do that. It will help.

If you don’t know Jesus as your own Savior, then ask Him to come live in you. The Holy Spirit will come to fill you, and you will have peace that is not like any other peace you have had.

Many are the plans of the devil, but God delivers us from those plans being all the devil intended. I do believe self reacts too, often, and we blame the devil for all our trials. We are not perfect.

Jesus died for sinners, and we must seek His face, and know that He cares about all the details of our lives. I hope this is encouragement for someone.

Don’t think things are hopeless. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Don’t lean on what you understand, and know. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. And He will help your marriage come together where you are getting along with each other, and your love will grow.

You never know what positive, influence you can be to someone. There are people who are not always hit with depression, or sadness, but they won’t admit to you they are. I believe praying in silence helps, even if you don’t pray for the person right there. God leads, and He has angels who will intervene on your behalf.

Gird up yourself, and yield to God. He has plans for you, but giving into depression will cause you to miss out on what He has for you.

The joy of the Lord will come in time, as you yield to God, and turn your back to what Satan is trying to tell you. Satan is a liar from the beginning. Yield to God, and pray, Christians.

Find your Bible, and read for encouragement. God is well aware, and able to deliver you out of the hand of the Enemy.


What a Week

What a week. Ed, and I went walking three times this week, and our friends joined us yesterday. We walked a mile each time. In my opinion, it says I can eat all I want. We have adjusted to buying a certain kind of cookie that has to pieces with a vanilla coating in the middle. They have been around for years, Ed says. We eat these when we are trying to gather momentum for having walked another mile.

When I go walking with the lady who comes with her husband, we walk for a bit, and then we rest on the resting bench that is available . We talk about life, and what our goals are for the week, and we just communicate. It is hard to get a word in edgewise when everyone likes to talk. I am used to being quiet, because my words don’t have a proper beginning unless I hurry to say something in the silence.