
The Day After

The day after the funeral is a hard day to go through. You are by yourself, and the person who died is in Heaven, or Hell. At any rate, they are gone, and there is no return until Jesus comes with the Saints. Our friend who died was a Christian, so she will be with the saints when Jesus comes.

The day after is peaceful, but you remember the person for who they were while you knew them. This lady who died was a praying kind of person. We prayed together for several years.

Things happen and people go their way, and this happened with the one I prayed with. If you want to know how to pray, pray. That was my advice, and hers. We prayed about many things. Then she was gone. I usually pray solo, but this person knew what it was to not stop until you are finished.

The peace of Christ doesn’t come when we are angry, and upset. It comes when we are in tune with God’s ways and seeking His face.

I do believe the peace of Christ is special, but I didn’t know what to do with this huge amount of peace. It was like I wore a Coat of Peace. I wasn’t noticing the people who weren’t peaceful. I was aware of the peace that had come to me. It is still there.

When I sing to God, and read the Word, the peace of Christ is there. Each of us has our own personalities, but this peace is from head- to- toe.

God gives it to you when you remain in His Presence instead of getting upset with what is going on with neighbors, friends, or family.

Stand on the promises, and speak them out to God. This way you will have to read the Bible to find those promises. His peace will cover you also if you walk with Him. He wants us to trust Him, and to Obey Him.

God loves us, and He wrote the Bible through people who wrote down what He wanted said. I do believe the piece of Christ is so wonderful. When you come to the place of submission to Christ as your own Savior, He will give you peace, joy, love, and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Stop talking to people, and get straight with God, first. He should be number one in your life, when you find Him for Yourself. Talk to people all you want, but keep reading the Bible, and getting something out of it for you. I know it takes time to read, but think of the things that take your time that aren’t going to give you peace.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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