
Early to Bed

Isaac goes to bed earlier, because he rises early. Last night I asked when it is he wants to retire. I was told to leave, before I had finished another post. Well tonight I asked when he was retiring. He is going to take a shower, since he has been outside with the pets. He will be through shortly, and then I will need to stop typing.

Today we went to a Memorial service for a friend who has gone to Glory. We knew her, and so did several families that showed up. She is missed already. We kept meeting people she knew at the church she last attended. They were nice, and the minister gave a short sermon.

I am tired, so I think I will retire also. I read much today. The numbers have gone down, far as how many books I have read today. I choose a book, and then try to finish most of it in one day. Then I finish the next day. It takes me 3 days to read Isaiah. It is a big book. I am in Jeremiah some now, and I will go to the New Testament tomorrow.

We were gone for awhile today. We were at the church before we went home. Before this we were at the Memorial Service. I didn’t see some friends that I know used to know this lady. I guess they work, or they couldn’t come.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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