

I’m awake, dressed, and up until I nap today. At times I take a nap, because the day is long, and I have done enough walking around, cleaning, and putting things back in order. We have two puppies who turned one year old together. They are brothers and they play hard, and don’t always have a good appetite. They are a mix, but these puppies are too, wise for their own good.

Yesterday, while Ed and I were still at the church, Isaac called saying that the puppies had gotten out of the yard. One more time we would need to put blocks where the hole in the fence is. They have a good time running as fast as they can, and trying to explore at the same time. The pets love to find more people to love them, and pet them. I do know that we hurried to get out the door, and Ed left again to get his satchel, because he left it in the rush.

We read the Bible daily, and that is one, thing that is in his satchel. I read my Bible daily. I finished Isaiah, finally. It is a huge book of the Bible, and I do love the last, chapters as well as the first, ones. I read this book, but it took me three, days, because it has over 60, chapters.

I am on Jerimiah next, and there are several, books of the New Testament that won’t take long to finish. I will cover these today. Do you see me reading? This isn’t the last time to read this year. I have a goal for the year, and I don’t want to miss the goal by not reading enough daily.

We are now in June, and this month is going by nicely . It isn’t going by so fast that we are in a whirlwind, but the days are taken with helping Isaac as much as he will allow. He also usually cooks our supper for us. He is busy with writing his book, and correcting it. He has grown to be as busy as he needs to be. Time is of essence with all of us.

I believe in setting goals, and trying to make them. One year I read the Bible less than my original goal. I tried to finish the Bible the amount of times that I wanted, and with Christmas, and Thanksgiving so close, I couldn’t get it all done. So I finished in January reading the whole Bible.

I promised myself that I would work harder and make the goal the next time. Last year I made my goal, and this year, I have time to read reams. Some of these books take three days to read. I don’t rush. I read, and read it again if I want. My goal is to know the Bible like my husband does. He can tell me the history about any of these books of the Bible.

Well, Isaac had to go to bed early last night in order to get up early before the dogs woke up. This works for him, and he has quality time to write without anyone bothering him. He get up before the moon goes away, and it is still dark outside. He writes, and corrects what he thinks needs it in his writing. He will be going to a writer’s conference, so he has some goals of his own.

In the meantime, Isaac manages his dogs. They are cute, and he is working to show his love, and discipline. They get up at the time he chooses, and they run in the yard. Yesterday, they found a place in the fence that they could each get through. The board covering the place was knocked to the ground, and they had their lively sprint down the road to the neighbors.

Isaac called as we were at the church reading, and walking through to make sure we had everything in our bags for home. Well, we left hurriedly when Isaac called about the dogs getting through the fence. They get happy when they can run through the neighbors yards, and just be FREE.

Well, we came home. Isaac found them, and Boah, who is the leader of this escape plan was left in his bed. Bandit was out and about. We went outside, and Ed found the place where the puppies escaped. He had a, board only there, and they had knocked the board down.

Oh the times these pets have left is getting old. They love to explore the neighborhood, and this is what is driving them. Or is it something inside their minds that says, “Let’s run away again!”

Isaac got them back. When he is with his writing group this summer, and they are showing their books, he will be gone from the house but staying here. I am sure he plans to put the dogs in the kennel for the time he is gone. We are older, but able to take on the puppies, but he insists on having them stay in the kennel.

We will have a weekend without them. Isaac will come home nightly, but it may be late. I do believe he has done all that he needs to do to make this an enjoyable time. I hope he sells some of his books. He is the artist for one book, and this he must complete ASAP. His drawings are detailed.

Now I must say that reading this time is special. I lack one book less than this time yesterday. I finished Isaiah! I’m reading through the Bible, because in days ahead, I will need to have planted enough Word so that I will know it well. There may not be time to read as much as I want to read. I am doing this now.

I love Isaiah. Now I am in Jeremiah. I am reading, cleaning up, and finding dust bunnies that need swept up. These are what I do daily. Smile. God loves for us to read the Word so we will know it when times get really hard to go through. Have a wonderful day. I don’t like to make long paragraphs, so I make these shorter. I will be back to say more.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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