
A, Pretty, Day

Tomorrow should be a, pretty, day. We don’t have rain in the forecast here. I really look forward to going to church tomorrow. I love to get up early, and read, and tomorrow will be another day to read once church is over. I lack less, books now. I finished Isaiah after reading for three, days. Jeremiah is a, good, book, but it is longer also. I am getting some of the longer, books done. Ezekiel is another that is longer.

If it is Psalms, or Proverbs, I can read those books from the last to the first. They are individual, and usually not a theme that is carried through several, chapters. I like to read the Bible for me.

God ss the Word hidden inside me will not return void, but it will accomplish what it needs to do. I often feel the joy of the Lord when I finish a, book of the Bible. I know this is talking about something that some of you don’t know much about. I am just saying that encouragement from God to read the Word is awesome.

I have kept on, and I read several, times in a, year. Before the summer gets here, I may finish reading again, and then I will read again, because my goal is the same as last, year.

Why read the Bible? Well, God had it written for all of us, so I need to get to know what He has to say about life, and being happy. I use to be glum, and crying for several, reasons when I was a, child. We were spanked if we disobeyed in any way, or if we were sassy to them.

My parents remained strict, but all their children came to Christ, and this helped the family come together. Mom, and Dad maintained a, good, attitude with each other. They loved each other, and both of them were talented in their own field.

Mom was good with managing an, office of people, and Dad was an, early riser. He would take us girls on long, walks, and in those days we could walk across fields, and up hills, and come back the same way we came.

Dad could draw anything, and he would say, “What do you see?” when we looked out the window, or when we walked with him. He could list all, the things we saw, and more, that he saw. He thought it was important to remember what we saw as we walked, or when we looked at a, huge, picture.

I learned to love the Lord at an early age. Mom led me to Christ, and then she taught me how to walk with Him. She gave me books to read, and then she quizzed me on what I read. If I memorized a verse, I had to also know its meaning. She was profound in her way of teaching me to love Christ after she led me to Him. I received Christ at 8 years old, and she continued to be a friend, and a confident teacher. I learned plenty from her.

My parents showed us they loved each other, and Dad would talk with Mom, and read the Bible with us every day of our lives just after breakfast, before the bus came to get us. We had to cooperate, or they punished us.

I had to write a sentence for a long time when I disobeyed. It was, “Delayed obedience is disobedience, and disobedience is sin.”

I wrote this for at least 3 days. They finally said I could stop. I never forgot this even when I taught school.

Well I washed one pair of jeans, and put it in with the last of the wash I have been doing today. Our washer is down until the part comes in, and the repairman comes to put that part in the machine.

I haven’t had to wash out clothes in a, long, time. I am glad I have some hand cream for my, hands. I will be more careful around the washer, but I plan to use it, and keep up with the dirty, clothes. I don’t believe in leaving dirty, clothes in the baskets for a, week. I try to empty the baskets daily, when I wash clothes.

It may take water, but I love the smell of clean, clothes. Now I have to wash the clothes myself. I found something good to wash them in, and I rinsed this time several, ways. It takes time, but you want to wash the dirty, clothes as soon as you can. It has been tough without a, washer.

I have stopped washing clothes by hand now, until I have supper. We have enough clothes to wear for tomorrow, and possibly for three more days. Sunday is suppose to be another hot, day. This is good. We love the sunshine.

By rubiescorner

I am an artist, and a retired classroom, and Reading teacher. My son introduced me to Word Press, and helped me start a blog. I called it Rubies Corner's Blog. At first I had few clues about writing, but as I wrote to my audience, I began to share daily. I thoroughly loved my audience, and writing.
I have majored in Rubies Corner's blog because it has grown over the years. I have a blog with more art on it.
My interests are Art, drawing, and reading the Bible. . My audience has grown on rubiescorner because I write what comes to mind. I have 8 other blogs, and they are organized by title.

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