

We walked a mile, and a half today. We added more walking because I needed to catch up from not walking this week. We walked enough.

Ed brought supper home, and he had a chocolate shake in the things that he brought. He gave it to me. I thought, “I did walk over a mile today. I can afford to do this.”



We went to go walking with friends. I kept walking after our friends left. They finished what they were going to walk. I made it another half mile, so I did one mile, and a half. You just keep walking, and soon you have one mile.

Next time I will do the same. I want to go on Saturday, because we went only today this week. We usually go two, times, and that makes two, miles. I might be able to walk another mile, and a, half, and that would make for three, total for the week.

Smile. I like numbers, and the walking is not that hard. You just walk. With a, friend, you can talk for a, whole, mile worth of walking.

Ed and I walked together for a few minutes. I had more time to go, so he walked on, and I went on for a few more laps. Soon I knew that was enough.