

Ed, and I went to the laundry mat. Wow. We had four washes going at the same time. All the clothes that should have been washed if our washer were working, had to go to the laundry mat. We had four, washes going at the same time, and I believe we got all that we took with us.

I just found another amount, and we aren’t going back today. This was a, choir, but I was glad to see most of the clothes washed, and dried. He had one, more bag of clothes, and I don’t think these are finished. So We will have to do these, and then I am done for another week.

I am so glad to have this done. I didn’t go walking today. I was busy sorting, and folding the dried clothes. I don’t like to leave something, and come back to it. Too often, we get busy, and I don’t want to wait in putting clean clothes back where they go. It makes a difference. The house may smell better for all the clean things that we brought home.

The dogs use towels when they come in from the rain. We lay some of them on the couch, and they get up there to sit. Today I put down the flowers quilt that was on the couch. It looked nice, and made the room cheerful.

The dogs play hard where they are, and apparently the spread was on the couch seat, instead of covering the whole couch. It is a leather couch, and we don’t want the puppies to ruin the couch. I put blankets, and towels there for this reason. It works until they playfully knock down what is covering the couch. The dogs belong to my son, but he lives here. He watches over them, but we feel like grands instead of just on lookers. These are smart dogs. Maybe they will stay in the yard, and not find a way to go visit the neighborhood.