
Washing Clothes

It is a good thing we know where to go to wash clothes when our washer is down. Ed will go with me, and we have plenty to do. We have the rest of today, and then a meal later. I do believe it is wonderful to have two baskets of clean, washed and dried clothes.

Our washers are wonderful, but thank God for Laundry mats because there are times when we must go there to maintain the washes we have to do without the regular washer. Our washer is three, years old. It shouldn’t be spilling out problems, but it did. That is just life.


Count Your Blessings

I love this song, and I sing it to Jesus many times a year. I believe this one comes to mind when I am going through some troubles. We go to the laundry mat today, and tomorrow, if we don’t go today. I am ready. It is Wednesday. Usually we have a, leisurely day. We will see.

There is the song, and there is the actual doing of counting my blessings. I have plenty of people on this blog. This is a growing blessing. This one has been going for over ten years. I am counting my blessings. People who know to pray when times get rough just do this out of concern, and habit. It always works.

Two in agreement puts 10,000 to flight. I figure the angels are coming when this happens. They take off the things that are in the way. They minister to people unaware of their presence. At times I will call on them, and say, “Angels, Angels, Angels!” This works with me.



I just sorted our laundry. We will be taking clothes to the laundry mat to wash this morning, or tomorrow. I have two good baskets full of clothes that need to be presented to the washers. Our washer has a part that has to be replaced, and the people will come another week away. This is the summer to get things fixed, and the washer is repairable. It take the right person to put the part in, and that will be mid June. We have another week or more.

I don’t mind going to the laundry mat. I did this when I was in college, and then I transferred to a place where they had their own machines. It was still work, but we didn’t have to leave campus to get our clothes clean. Those were the days. We studied while we waited on our clothes to wash, and dry. That is an hour in most places.

So I sorted clothes, and all of it can be washed in a machine. It will be nice to have clean clothes out of this pile of clothes that have been mounting patiently. Now you know what I’ll be doing today.



I sit, and read in all kinds of places in my home. I have a, desk at the picture window, and I have read there. Kitty would want to get my attention, and he thought I came just for him. I had to pick another place to read, because he would demand all my attention. I would say hello, and hug him, but he didn’t want me to read my Bible. It was competition to his attention. I went to another place to read.

Well, I plan to read before we turn out the lights. It is too, early to retire, but there is plenty of time to read the Bible before we shut the lights out. Ed is studying right now. We both study separately every day, and sometimes two, times. Other times we have the Bible in hand more in a day. It depends on what is coming up.

We go to the laundry mat on Thursday. Our washer will have to have a repairman come, and he won’t be coming yet. We will do our clothes, and there may be a, way to get them all done in a, bigger, washer. The cost is about what it would take for several, washers. We haven’t had to do this in a, long time.

Hope you had a, good, day, audience. Remember to read if you will. It gives much peace when you read the Bible for yourself. Psalms are always wonderful.

I read through the whole Bible, so I skip around to complete what I have started. In two months I have it done, or close to done. The Word won’t return void, and it will accomplish something in you as you read it for you. I read it two, times a day at least.