
Out the Door

Walking is out the door, for me today. I can’t go walking, and I know why. I am in need of relaxing, and washing some clothes that are dirty. We have a, downed, washer, so washing may have to be in the bathtub with some soap. I hate to resort to hand washing.

I love my machine, but suddenly it had a heart attack. It wouldn’t send water into the washer any more. So I am either going to get someone to come fix this, or I will say this washer needs to be replaced. How do I know it won’t do this again, and it is under grace. I do believe the grace period is over three, years.

I am upset that the washer has done this. I normally put in two washes a day. Now I have much to do. I may have to go to the laundry mat, because we will run out of clean clothes eventually. No one seems to mind that the washer is out of its mind. It is just sitting there, and no water wants to come through, Wow.


New, Day

This is a new, day. It is still a little early to be moving about, but we are up and well. I hope to soon have some eggs. Ed fixes the eggs for us and we eat them, because he adds spices. Mine are fried in real butter, and he puts plenty of pepper instead of salt, on them. I don’t eat potatoes, or bread this week, so I will have to just eat the eggs without jelly, and toast. I think I had a little jelly with the eggs yesterday. It helped to eat them. The jelly was sugar free. I am not diabetic, but my husband is so we are both careful.

This is a new day, and I will read, write some like this, and go about the day resting instead of doing much. It is wonderful when the sun is out, and it isn’t so hot to stand in the sunshine. We are having a good year. I am so glad to have my eye treatment over, and now I can see straight for another four months.


My Eye

I won’t be back to see the eye doctor for four months. October has been set as the time, and I will savor not having to be there any time soon for the medication to my eye. My right eye is the one that has been damaged, and going every four months is a far cry from having to go for a shot monthly.

Yes, I said shot. They numb the eye, test it, and I have pictures taken every time I go. Then they give the medication by shot and I go home to rest, and recover. My eye is feeling better today, and there is no pain like there was last night. I usually nap, and take it easier, so today is one of those easier days.

Ed woke up not feeling spry, so we will see what is going on with him. We rest, and things start moving right. One concern is our washer. It quit working suddenly, so a repair person will have to come look at it. The machine isn’t that old. This is rare. We have much washing to do even if the machine is repaired. We will see how this works.

So today is another new day. I did hear the puppies, so I know Isaac is working with them at this time of the day, when the sun is up, and all the neighborhood is quiet, except for our puppies. They have renewed energy to run together and chase each other in our back yard.

Yeah for puppies that bring new, adventures to us. Yeah for wisdom that comes when we read, and study early in the mornings. I do hope this is a, good, day for all of us. Thank you for coming by this blog. I like to write.


Shot Through

I went to the eye doctor today. We were on the way home in one hour, because all I needed was some pictures, and then the doctor came to give me my medication. It hurts, but I take medication for pain, and I am finer than I have been. The shots are spread now to every four months. I go back in October for the next treatment.

The pain from the shot has been there all day. I took a nap after we came home. We had lunch together after going to the doctor. We were out of there in one hour’s time. I was surprised, pleased, and my eye was numb at the time. I took medication after I came home. The eye was coming to again. I guess I have been doing this for a little over two years. God is always good. I am glad this is over, and I won’t have to go tomorrow for a shot. It is done.

Hope this finds everyone busy, and well. I am still reading the Bible daily. I just finished almost a row of the Psalms. The 19th Psalm is really long!